Suppose you are looking for a refreshing beverage to cool off in the summer months or a morning start to a healthy drink that will kickstart your day. In that case, I’ve got just the thing for you: our Vegan Iced Oat Milk Latte with Chia Seeds Recipe.

This delicious concoction combines the creamy and nutty flavours of oat milk with the caffeine boost of coffee and the added nutritional benefits of bloomed chia seeds. The result is a mouth-watering and satisfying drink perfect for a quick pick-me-up or a leisurely afternoon treat.

Not only is our Vegan Iced Oat Milk Latte with Chia Seeds Recipe easy to make at home, but it’s also a healthier alternative to your regular coffee order. Using plant-based milk and natural sweeteners, this drink is kinder to your body and the environment.

So whether you’re a vegan, lactose-intolerant, or just looking to switch up your beverage game, give our Vegan Iced Oat Milk Latte with Chia Seeds Recipe a try. It’s sure to become a staple in your summer drink lineup!

What Ingredients do I need to make an Iced Oat Milk Latte with Chia Seeds?

You will need only four simple ingredients to make a tasty, refreshing, iced oat milk latte with chia seeds. 

Firstly, a cup of oat milk provides a creamy and nutty flavour. 

Next, a tablespoon of Nescafe instant coffee is needed to give the latte a rich and bold taste. If you do not use Nescafe instant coffee and have an espresso machine at home, substitute the Nescafe instant coffee with two espresso shots instead.

Four tablespoons of stevia or your preferred sweetener can add sweetness. 

Additionally, four tablespoons of bloomed chia seeds are needed for their numerous health benefits, including fibre and omega-3s. 

Finally, ice cubes are added to cool down the drink and refresh it. If you prefer an iced capp result, blend all ingredients with the ice cubes in a blender!

You can easily create a delicious and nutritious iced oat milk latte with chia seeds at home with these ingredients.


Why You will LOVE this Iced Oat Milk Latte with Chia Seeds

Get ready to fall in love with this irresistibly delicious iced coffee with chia seeds! 

This chilled drink is the perfect way to cool down on a hot summer day. The creamy oat milk pairs perfectly with the bold Nescafe instant coffee and just the right amount of sweetness from the stevia. 

But what really takes this drink to the next level is the addition of bloomed chia seeds, which provide a fun texture, subtle nutty flavour, and numerous health benefits. 

Plus, this recipe is dairy-free and vegan, making it an excellent option for those with dietary restrictions. Each sip is a heavenly mix of flavours and textures that will leave you wanting more. 

With just a few simple ingredients, you can quickly whip up this Iced Oat Milk Latte with Chia Seeds at home and enjoy a healthy and tasty drink anytime.

Using Coffee Ice Cubes Instead of Regular Ice Cubes

To add extra coffee flavour to your Iced Oat Milk Latte with Chia Seeds, try using coffee ice cubes instead of regular ice cubes. 

Freeze your favourite brewed coffee in ice cube trays.

Then, use these coffee ice cubes instead of regular ice cubes when making your latte. 

As the coffee ice melts, they’ll infuse your delicious latte with even more coffee flavour, making for a deliciously satisfying drink.

Nutrition Information (per serving)

  • Calories: 130
  • Total fat: 4.5g
  • Saturated fat: 0.5g
  • Trans fat: 0g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg
  • Sodium: 75mg
  • Total Carbohydrate: 18g
  • Dietary Fiber: 7g
  • Sugars: 1g
  • Protein: 6g

What Sweetener Alternatives can I use to make this recipe?

Here are some sweetener alternatives you can use to make this Iced Oat Milk Latte with Chia Seeds recipe:

  • Honey: This natural sweetener adds a subtle floral flavour to the drink.
  • Maple syrup: With its distinct maple flavour, this sweetener is perfect for adding depth of flavour to the latte.
  • Agave nectar: This syrupy sweetener is derived from the agave plant and has a mild, neutral flavour.
  • Granulated sugar: This classic sweetener is easy to find and adds a simple sweetness to the drink.
  • Coconut sugar or Brown sugar: This unrefined sugar has a caramel-like flavour and works well as a substitute for regular sugar.
  • Date syrup: This natural sweetener is made from pureed dates and adds a rich, fruity sweetness.
  • Molasses: This thick, sweet syrup has a robust flavour and is perfect for adding depth and complexity to the latte.
  • Monk fruit sweetener: Derived from monk fruit, this zero-calorie sweetener is an excellent option for those looking to cut down on sugar intake without sacrificing sweetness.

Remember that different sweeteners may have slightly different effects on the taste and texture of the latte, so feel free to experiment and find the one that suits your taste buds the best!

The Nutritional Benefits of Adding Chia Seeds to Your Latte

Chia seeds are a nutritional powerhouse; adding them to your latte can provide numerous health benefits. Here are some of the nutritional benefits of adding chia seeds to your Iced Oat Milk Latte:

  1. Rich in fibre: Chia seeds are an excellent source of dietary fibre, which helps keep you full and satisfied. This can be beneficial for weight management and digestion.
  2. High in antioxidants: Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants, which can help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals.
  3. Packed with omega-3s: Chia seeds are one of the best plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids essential for brain and heart health.
  4. Contains minerals: Chia seeds are a good source of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which are essential for bone health.
  5. Low in calories: Chia seeds are low in calories but high in nutrients, making them a great addition to any diet.

Adding just a few tablespoons of chia seeds to your latte can reap all these excellent nutritional benefits. To read a more complete list of the health benefits of chia seeds, check out this article “15 Surprising Health Benefits of Chia Seeds“.

chia seeds

The Difference Between Bloomed and Unbloomed Chia Seeds: Why Blooming Matters

Chia seeds are a versatile and nutritious ingredient in various recipes, including smoothies, puddings, and lattes. When it comes to using chia seeds, there are two main ways to prepare them: bloomed and unbloomed. Here’s what you need to know about the difference between bloomed and unbloomed chia seeds and why blooming matters:

Unbloomed Chia Seeds: Unbloomed chia seeds are chia seeds not soaked in liquid. Adding them to your latte or another recipe will absorb some liquid and become soft and slightly gelatinous.

Bloomed Chia Seeds: Bloomed chia seeds are chia seeds that have been soaked in liquid for some time, usually around 10-15 minutes. During this time, the seeds absorb the liquid and become fully hydrated, expanding to be about a cup, about half a cup, or three times their original size. This results in a thicker, more gel-like texture that can create a pudding-like consistency in recipes.

Why Blooming Matters: Blooming chia seeds before adding them to your latte can make a big difference in the texture and consistency of the final drink. Blooming the seeds helps create a smoother, creamier texture and makes the drink more filling and satisfying. In addition, blooming the seeds can help to improve their digestibility, making it easier for your body to absorb their many nutritional benefits.

While both bloomed and unbloomed chia seeds can be used in your latte, blooming chia seeds can significantly affect the final drink’s texture and nutritional benefits.

Dairy-Free and Vegan: Why Oat Milk is the Perfect Alternative for Your Latte

Oat milk is perfect if you’re looking for a dairy-free and vegan alternative to regular milk for your latte. Oat milk is made from whole oats and water, so it’s naturally lactose-free and free from animal products. It’s also an excellent option for those allergic to nuts or soy.

Oat milk has a creamy texture and a slightly sweet flavour that pairs perfectly with coffee. It also contains a bit more fibre than other non-dairy kinds of milk like almond or coconut milk, making it an excellent option for

Oat Milk vs. Almond Milk: Which is Better for Your Iced Latte?

If you like non-dairy milk in your iced latte, which option is better: oat or almond milk? Both are popular dairy milk alternatives, but they have some differences.

First, oat milk has a creamier texture and slightly sweeter taste than almond milk, which can be thinner and nuttier. Oat milk also tends to have more calories and carbohydrates than almond milk but has more fibre and protein.

Regarding nutrition, almond milk is a good source of vitamin E. In contrast, oat milk contains more vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, and vitamin D. However, it’s worth noting that the nutritional value can vary depending on the brand and whether the oat milk is sweetened or unsweetened.

Ultimately, the choice between oat and almond milk comes from personal preference and dietary needs. If you want a creamier and sweeter option, go for oat milk. If you’re watching your calorie and carbohydrate intake, almond milk may be the better choice. Either way, both options can make a delicious and refreshing iced latte!

Customizing Your Iced Oat Milk Latte: Flavors and Variations to Try

If you’re a fan of iced oat milk lattes, you know there are endless ways to customize this delicious drink. Here are some other flavours and variations to try:

  1. Vanilla: Add a vanilla extract or syrup splash for a sweet and aromatic flavour.
  2. Cinnamon: Sprinkle some cinnamon on top of your latte or add a cinnamon stick for a warm and cozy taste.
  3. Chocolate: Mix cocoa powder or chocolate syrup for a rich and indulgent drink.
  4. Maple: Add a drizzle of maple syrup for a sweet and slightly smoky flavour.
  5. Hazelnut: Use hazelnut milk instead of oat milk or add hazelnut syrup for a nutty and delicious taste.
  6. Coconut: Mix coconut milk or coconut syrup for a tropical twist.
  7. Matcha: Add some matcha powder for a caffeine boost and earthy flavour.
  8. Mocha: Combine chocolate and coffee flavours by mixing in some mocha syrup.
  9. Caramel: Drizzle some caramel sauce on your latte or add caramel syrup for a sweet buttery taste.
  10. Spices: Experiment with ginger, nutmeg, or cardamom for a unique and flavorful latte.

The possibilities for customizing coffee flavour for your iced oat milk latte are endless. So don’t be afraid to get creative and try new coffee flavour combinations to find your perfect drink.

If you love this healthy latte recipe, you might also want to check out this healthy smoothie recipe Low Calorie 5 Minutes Blueberry Banana Smoothie, or check out these other great healthy beverage ideas: 15 Simple Healthy Drink Ideas for a Healthy Diet.

If you are serving this vegan iced oat milk latte with chia seeds for a breakfast/brunch, you may be interested in one of these healthy breakfast / brunch recipes 🙂

Vegan Iced Oat Milk Latte with Chia Seeds Recipe You'll Love

Vegan Iced Oat Milk Latte with Chia Seeds Recipe You’ll Love

This refreshing and nutritious drink is made with brewed Nescafe instant coffee, oat milk, stevia, and bloomed chia seeds. Simply combine the coffee, oat milk, and stevia in a glass, then add the bloomed chia seeds and stir until evenly distributed. Fill the glass with ice cubes and give it a quick stir before enjoying! With a prep time of just 10 minutes and only 130 calories per serving, this drink is a healthy and satisfying option that is perfect for any time of day.
Total Time 10 minutes
Course Drinks
Servings 1 serving
Calories 130 kcal


  • 1 cup oat milk
  • 1 tbsp Nescafe instant coffee
  • 2 tbsp Stevia or other 0 calorie sweetener
  • 4 tbsp chia seeds, bloomed


  • Brew the Nescafe instant coffee in a cup with hot water. Let it cool to room temperature.
  • In a glass, add the oat milk, cooled coffee, and stevia. Stir well to combine.
  • Add the bloomed chia seeds to the glass and stir until evenly distributed.
  • Fill the glass with ice cubes.
  • Give it a quick stir and enjoy your delicious Iced Oat Milk Latte with Chia Seeds!


  • Blooming chia seeds is an important step in this recipe, as it helps to release their natural thickening agents and makes them easier to digest. To bloom the chia seeds, simply mix them with water and let them sit for at least 10 minutes before adding them to the latte.
  • If you don’t have Nescafe instant coffee, you can use any other instant coffee of your choice, just make sure it is unsweetened and unflavored.
  • If you prefer your latte sweeter, feel free to adjust the amount of stevia (or sweetener of your choice) to your liking.
  • For an extra boost of flavor and nutrition, you can add a sprinkle of cinnamon or cocoa powder on top of the latte before serving.
  • This recipe is easily customizable, so feel free to experiment with different types of milk, sweeteners, and flavors to find your perfect combination.
  • If you prefer a blended version, like an iced capp, simply blend all ingredients with the ice cubes in a blender. Pour into a glass and enjoy!
Keyword coffee, dairy free, iced coffee, lactose free, oat milk, vegan